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Life's short, but it is never a steal..Make a run for it, make your life the most wonderful and beautiful it can be..You only have one life, don't you want it to be the best life ever?

Well, today's the start of the 1st week of August, which implies start of coaching week~ Ah...Feels like being dragged into a puddle of mud, all sticky and annoying..haha..And energy-draining too, not to forget that..

Today's 1st day, and by far, the most boring day yet. And the whole coaching is not even over yet. I felt exhausted, physically, and mentally drained..My eyes were wandering, arms were as heavy as mountains of brick stacked on top of them, and I could hardly focus on what was going on. Not that I am usually sharp or anything, but today was just that bad. Ugh...Maybe this is the aftermath, the suffering I have to endure after a week of sheer fun-ness..hahah..Karma probably?

Anyway, I spent too much this holiday. haha..Initially figured I could earn some extra pocket money during this Summer, but at the end of the day, or the holiday in this case, I'm still basically just earning back what I spent during the holiday. Sigh, that would mean Earning = Spending = Zero Income. Zerrrooo..How bad is that? Well, consolation is in place for me though, because I really had a blast during this AMAZING season. Haha..Inside joke :D

Tomorrow's another day, and I'm writing this at the wee hour of the morning. Well, not exactly though, because it's only midnight. Probably due to the fact that I haven't been writing for quite a while, I don't have any idea on what to write today. Just in the mood to update it. haha..And keep you readers updated :D

Oh yeah, I bought another headphone recently..OMG, I'm such an audiophile-wannabe now..haha..It's a really cool, techno-hip looking headphone. Of course, the audio quality is undeniably at par with the price I paid. Many people have been looking for this pair of awesome, reasonbly priced headphone. Of course, there are people in Canada and EU willing to, and some actually did, pay a hefty sum just to get their hands on one of these babies..Without further adue, I give it to you:

AUDIO-TECHNICA AD700!!!!!! *Clap clap*


Wow...Just looking at it makes me excited..haahah....

Now that it's added to my arsenal, I've another baby to show you guys. This has been with me for about a month, another great headphone...Both these babies have garnered many accolades for their aesthetic values, build qualities, and of course, absolutely outrageous sound qualities that make headphones that cost few times more than they do look like overpriced white elephants. And their not even as beautiful as white elephants. hahaha..Ok, here's it:

Senneiser HD 555!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another breathtaking beauty...Wow...

I just love em :D

Okay, keep reading you guys! I will update soon, and stay cool!

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