A Day In Spokane

Life's short, but it is never a steal..Make a run for it, make your life the most wonderful and beautiful it can be..You only have one life, don't you want it to be the best life ever?

Well, I guess this is a delayed post. I have been so busy that I forgot to post pics and updates on my trip to Spokane. Okay, not wanting to digress, I'll just get to main point today..Extremely exhausted right now..Ugh..

Marina's our driver for the trip, and Tobias's shotgun (or whatever you americans call it). That basically means sitting beside the driver. Not something I'd like to do, not even if you pay me to invest in ten-traders.....Ok, maybe I will, but that's only because that's much better than sitting in the passenger's seat.
(As you all can probably see where this is going, I'll elaborate on what happened)

I was the victim. I suffered. And I suffered during the whole drive.

Marina's otherwise "impeccable" car, is flawed. Her car's sidewindow always scroll down by itself. Hmm..Sounds like I've talked about this before. But oh heck, I'll just do it for the sake of re-enactment. Haha.. Anyway, I had to push the sidewindow up during the whole trip......

(Okay, BIG MISTAKE HERE!!! I was thinking about the trip to Bend...) hahahaaha....

Here's what really went down:

Tobias was the driver for the trip, and I WAS THE SHOTGUN! hahahaha...Now I recall everything...Marina and Sela sat in passenger's seat, quietly storing themselves away at the corner, not wanting to disturb the "peaceful" ambience in the car - I was singing at the top of my lung to the song "Scar". Dang! I thought I was a talented, unpolished, undiscovered Rockstar for a moment when i sang that song. I felt so much energy, so much power, so much...Adrenaline pump that I couldn't resist the urge to SCrrEEAAAMmmmmmm!!!! hahahahaa...Oh well, I guess you all know what happened after that. It's not that hard to guess..hahaha..

(just in case you don't, I tried a parody. But in a heavy-metal sort of way though. hahaha.. Marina and Tobias bear witness to this unprecedented event that will never happen again)
Of course, that is until "Scar" starts playing again...

Here are some pics!!!!

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