Planning Plans

Life's short, but it is never a steal..Make a run for it, make your life the most wonderful and beautiful it can be..You only have one life, don't you want it to be the best life ever?

These few days have been extremely hectic for me. I've had to deal with tennis lessons, workout sessions, and socializing time as well.

Kai, my tennis coach, is currently back in his hometown, Malaysia right now, and the coaching trio (which comprises Sela, Marina, and me) are entrusted with the responsibility of running the show in his absence. Well, thus far we've been doing great though, because he left some tips for each of us before his departure. Basically, those tips, in actual truth, are reflections of his mind on what he wishes to be done, and what he wants to see to be done. So, there's a demand to be met here.

Then, there's the workout session. I think it's really, absolutely, extremely energy-draining and mentally exhausting to do workouts in the morning prior to giving tennis lessons. I had to wake up at 7am every morning, and get ready to leave by 7.30 because Tobias scheduled the workouts in the morning at 7.45am; he has to work in the afternoon. 1 thing confuses me: I've been working as hard as I've been for the past few weeks, but somehow I'm seeing some declining performance, I think. Or maybe it's just exhaustion taking a toll on me. Or maybe it's just that economic thing when they say the more money you put into something, the less you will get out of it for every extra penny you put into it. Haha..I forgot the exact economic term, but for those who do, please enlighten :D

Oh oH!!! Here's the excitement of this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going Bends with Tobias, Sela and Marina~~~ hhaahah.. I won't be playing the tournament though, so basically I'll be a supporter, or a cheerleader if you will. hahaha...Gonna do some sight-seeing and visiting again!!! yaiy!!!

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